For the first time Incrementum offers professional investors direct access to a new asset class via regulated fund products.
Both physical gold and digital gold are very scarce in supply. The available quantity of physical gold is constantly increasing by about 1.5% per year. Gold is therefore considered the hardest money in the world. Bitcoin, as digital gold, has a constantly increasing degree of hardness and is absolutely limited in its quantity. Particularly in an environment of over-indebtedness and strong money supply inflation on the part of central banks, these investments therefore have strong upside potential.
The investment strategy aims to provide an uncorrelated investment with an attractive risk/return ratio via an asset allocation of approximately 75% in physical gold and approximately 25% in digital gold. The extreme volatility associated with investments in digital assets such as Bitcoin can be significantly reduced overall by combining it with physical gold. A liquid, alternative investment as a regulated fund with safe custody of the assets.
High volatilities are usually a thorn in the side of investors. This strategy aims to take advantage of volatility and convert the high fluctuations of digital gold into physical gold. This happens in two ways: On the one hand by regularly rebalancing the asset classes. In this way, profits are taken when Bitcoin prices rise sharply. On the other hand, the rebalancing is implemented profitably via derivative instruments. The attractive implicit volatilities on the options market are used to create a steady cash flow.
Digital vs Physical Gold: a Prudent Investment Strategy for this Decade | Mark Valek
the hardest currencies in the world
Cash flow through volatility
Liquid portfolio diversifier
Safe custody
Cold storage and vault
Regulated & Audited
By supervisory authorities and auditors
Fair Pricing
2/20 was yesterday
Questions & Answers
The fund is available for purchase through all banks in the OECD region. The fund is only approved for professional investors, thus you must be registered as a professional investor with your custodian. If you have any questions regarding the fund’s eligibility for purchase, please contact us at idpg@incrementum.li – we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
No, the fund is not listed on any stock exchange. You can purchase the fund through your bank or online broker.
You can find all information about this at https://www.incrementum.li/en/investment-funds/incrementum-digital-and-physical-gold-fund/#details
For share class A, the minimum investment is 1 share.
For share class X, the minimum investment is 1 million USD.
For share class S, the minimum investment is 10 million USD.
A constant-mix strategy with ranges is followed. The strategy focuses on the allowable percentage composition of an asset in the portfolio. This means that a rebalancing is activated as soon as an asset is outside the previously defined bandwidth. The frequency of a rebalancing thus depends on all price developments of the assets in the fund.
The range for Bitcoin is 10%-40% with a target allocation of 25%.
The range for gold is 60%-90% with a target allocation of 75%.
During rebalancing, both assets are weighted back to their target allocation.
The fund order for purchases must always be received by the transfer agent (Bank Frick) no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day before the valuation day (Wednesday).
Sales must be received by the Transfer Agent (Bank Frick) by 4:00 p.m. at the latest 7 calendar days before the valuation day (Wednesday).
The Incrementum Digital & Physical Gold Fund invests its assets predominantly (at least 51%) in one or more cryptocurrencies (digital gold) and/or in physical gold (direct or indirect investment).